Thursday, February 07, 2008

Elsy Fierro; I would have done things differently.

Not about the grade change,
but about signing her name to a decision made by
APS senior administrators; Susie Peck and Nelinda Venegas.

It would be egregiously naive to believe that
the decision did not include Beth Everitt,
board member Delores Griego, and who knows who else.

According to the Journal link sub req

"Maes said that former Superintendent Elizabeth Everitt repeatedly said in meetings and press conferences that the decision was made along with the upper administration "and the proper process was followed."

"It is clear you were acting with their approval," she said.
Why then was, a nd why is,
Elsy Fierro being scapegoated still.

If not to cover the asses of a bunch of more senior administrators and board members?

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