Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Know Something Terrible About This Person

Journal link sub req

If someone knows something terrible about one of the candidates for the APS superintendency;
APS/Modrall Attorney Art Melendrez
doesn't want the public finding out about it.

It is nice that the leadership of APS/Modrall is willing to shield us from the truth about the candidates for superintendent.

It is even nicer that the leadership of APS/Modrall
is willing to shield us from the "terrible" truth about
the current superintendent, any of her subordinates,
or any member of the board of education.

Nice if you are Beth Everitt (still on the payroll)/
Linda Sink, or Paula Maes
, anyway.

Do stakeholders have a right to the truth?

Do stakeholders have a right to the terrible truth?

And who is going to enforce that right?

Who is going to hold APS/Modrall accountable for
their conduct and competence as administrators
of the public trust and treasure in the APS?

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