Thursday, February 07, 2008

"Black Like Me"

OK, I'm not really black.

But "Elephant like me" would assume too many prerequisites
on the part of the reader.

I stood in the back of the board room for about twenty minutes; through the public forum and "through matters of importance".

It was surreal. Like in a movie, with a camera's eye view through the eyes of a mask worn by a character.

People walking into chairs because they couldn't look toward the elephant in the room.

And of course the reporter/cameraman from KRQE
who couldn't turn his camera that way either.

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

I hope you know that the REAL Chunky D. Elephant feeds off the endless trough of public graft and waste, while your slim frame hardly represents the opulant bohemian excess that is Chunky!

You would be much fatter if you skimmed like chunky, you would stink of cover-ups, nudges, winks and knives to the back.

However, you were able to sustain invisibility from the Press, which Chunky can do. On that part, well done, showing that even someone just "First Amendmenting" can be totally freakin invisible! We should export said tech to Iraq and give to our troops, right away!