Saturday, February 02, 2008

Who Cares if Bill and Bill Watch the Super Bowl Together?

A quick perusal of the blogs reveals much interest in whether or not Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson will watch the Super Bowl together in Red River.

I am considerably more concerned that,

The control over enormous amounts of power and resources that belong fundamentally to the citizens of New Mexico;

has been usurped by a bunch of thugs
who are using our power and resources against our interests;

to advance their own interests,
including the interests of their friends and "donors"

and who cannot be held accountable for their

abject lack of transparent and honest accountability
to meaningful standards of conduct and competence

as public servants.

To each his own, I guess.


Anonymous said...

I don't care if they are watching the Prince of Tides and making out, as long as they do their jobs!
Bush kind of set the goverment service standard by taking the most vacations from office than any other president in history, I suppose.
-An APS public servant

Joseph Lopez said...

You know, Bill Clinton probably has a soft spot for Gil Lovato, didn't Bill get caught having not-sex on the public dime?

Is peanut butter eating not-sex in the same way? Will Bill R. and Bill C. havea talk about making sure that sort of thing does not come up and ruin a person's political ambitions for awhile, maybe strategies on how to keep such things hush hush?

I like Bill C., and not Bill R. so much, but if they hang out together, they could have similar morals. And if our Governor thinks peanut butter licking is just not-sex, then no wonder the Department of Public Safety is doing nothing to revoke Lovato's license to be a cop in New Mexico. the Guv is supposed to be in control of State Government, and licensing cops falls directly on the State.