Friday, February 01, 2008

APS' W2 Snafu

APS printed and mailed 15,000 worthless W-2s.

"APS officials said someone in the payroll department or with its services should have caught the mistake and it plans to meet soon to figure out exactly what went wrong."
Don't you feel better already?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone remeber a few years ago when APs supposedly overpaid us, then they said it would come out of a future check, then a negotiator came in, then APS said there was no error in the first place.
It was when the pay adjustment was made in December, and they (professional pay roll people of APS) didn't remember that we are paid through the Summer, and didn't calculate correctly.
No one lost their jobs for that very basic error, and all the grief and frustration they caused. In the end, no one ever even said "Sorry".
So this doesn't suprise me. The Orangatungs that do financial records at APS never suprise me by what they do, or don't do. Sometime we just eat the pride and pay loss.
--An APS instructor