Tuesday, February 19, 2008

APS "insiders" compete for superintendent job

Gee, ya think? Tribune -link-

If anyone but an "insider" is hired as the next superintendent;

every corrupt and incompetent administrator in the
leadership of the APS will be held accountable for
their (mis)conduct and (in)competence as a public servants.


the next superintendent of the APS,
will be a member of the APS good ol' boys club;

... an "insider".


Joseph Lopez said...

Mr. Holmquist was the principal of SY Jackson, I grew up with his boys, have visited them in Taos Ski Valley were they have made a nice home for themselves.

The Holmquists are good people, plain and simple. Mr. Holmquist is honorable, a good man who lost his wife to cancer many years ago.

Mrs. H. was my Spanish teacher before she died, and I don't think she would have put up with any immorality from her husband. She certainly didn't from me or any of my classmates! She knew how to run a classrom, let me tell you.

Joseph Lopez said...

If Tom Ryan gets the job, he will make everyone buy Macs instead of PCs, for that reason alone, I shun the man!

Anonymous said...

It is in the wind that the superintendents position is expected to be an "insider" from here in APS.
Worse, it is in the wind that after the official Superintendent is appointed, that superintendent will appoint a co-superintendent that will be 1 of the 3 most senior admin people (Tom Savage, Tim Whalen, or ???), much like Everitt did when she took over.
So what does this mean? does it mean that we will have a Paula-puppet and another senior dud running the show all over again?
Don't we ever learn?
We should march on the meetings like peasants on Frankenstein's castle!