Sunday, February 03, 2008

Administrative Support for APS Teachers; Wanting

Any teacher will tell you that the single greatest obstacle before education is, its disruption.

Every minute wasted on disruption, is a minute
or more, not spent on education.

School Board policy, and logic, and common sense
put the onus of maintaining discipline at school
on administrators.

In reality, the onus falls on the shoulders of teachers;

who have neither the decision making power,
nor the resources, nor,
according to the leadership of the APS,
education, experience, or intellect to wield either.

The administrative response to disruptive students
has been to allow them to dress in uniform
and then come to school everyday to accomplish
what ever strikes them as "fun".

From the public record; sworn testimony, and evidence:

Student David B. had found himself some fun.
He was throwing rocks at elementary school students
on their way to school.

I delivered David and his discipline referral to
Assistant Principal Michael McNamara, Hoover MS.

The student, and his referral, where returned to me
in short order with a post-it attached
(to the referral, not to David).

The note read,
"Please handle this, and all similar situations

So I grieved it.

The good ole boy ruling;
McNamara had not violated the negotiated agreement; which clearly and unequivocally required his continuous and unqualified support,

because there were "other times" when he
done his job.

A few years later I took a photograph of
standing with his arms crossed and doing nothing
in a crowded hallway, surrounded by students
in blatant violation of school rules and board policy.

I was then fired for;

creating a hostile environment for Michael McNamara,
Wayne Knight, Ron Williams, Gil Lovato, Michael Vigil

and all of the other administrators who will neither enforce
nor follow the rules.

(The firing was reversed at the first honest and impartial adjudication of the evidence.
It remains however, the source of my "disgruntlement".)

A true story, which illustrates;
  • the problem with leaving good ole boy accountability
    in the hands other good ole boys,
  • the insurmountable problem teachers face,
  • the real reason for schools that fail, and
  • the real reason for teacher burn out.

A new superintendent is about to be hired.

will or will not, make it a District priority
to restore the authority of adults over children
in school.

Teachers should not look to the leadership of the APS
to put chronically disruptive students
and their failure to control them, on the table.

Nor, should they look to the teachers union.

Nor, should they expect the media to generate public awareness.
  • Clearly the number one priority of the leadership of the APS is to continue to hide the elephant.
  • As clear, is the failure of the teachers union to stand up and be counted, on the issue of the abject failure of the leadership of the APS to maintain order in schools.
  • And just as clearly, Thomas Lang, Kent Walz, Phill Casaus, Michelle Donaldson, Sue Stephens and Thomas Pearl; have no intention of investigating and reporting upon the effects of the administrations failure to provide educationally efficient environments for students and teachers.

If a few hundred teachers,
tired of a
discipline philosophy that requires them to
"Please handle this, and similar situations, on your own."
showed up at a board meeting with torches and pitchforks;

maybe, just maybe, some sunlight will illuminate
the culture of corruption and incompetence
that created, and maintains

schools that are out of control.


Anonymous said...

I teach at a prominent NE High school and it has always amazed me that the harshest sentences go to truant kids.
For example, some of my kids that ditched got out of school suspension, or APS hearings for long-term suspension.
However, my kids that got caught in possession, or selling, marijuana, got in-school suspension.
I always wondered what sense that makes? I still wonder.
Now the big to-do this year is "weapons in schools". Kids caught with a paint ball gun or kitchen knives in their cars are long-term suspended.
Again, I the hell are these things determined and carried out?
--An APS high school instructor

Anonymous said...

There must be a Being-a-Jerk-4-Dummies manual because the same thing was said to me when I qwas fored from being a restaurant manager years ago.
The manager above me was taking money from the registers nightly to gamble, he was faking the meat inventory so he could heighten his bonus, and he was trying to get it with underage girl employees.
After I reported that, I got canned for making the atmosphere harsh and not being a team player.
I didn;t pursue getting reinstated...who wants to wwork like that?
The jokes on me now...something in the school where I work are even more morally despicable.
Thanks for sharing!

Joseph Lopez said...

When you have the lowest paid denominators,low morale and no one updating process toward safety mandates in any security or police force, you are bound to see problems. When a whole District is self-conscious about merely enforcing rules, a school police is ten years behind the times, and you have an Equal Opportunity Services that ignores well documented complaints, plus you have Administrators who just don't want to see the problemsor ARe the problems, you have APS.