Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Marty Esquivel's moment of truth.

I have tried very hard to give APS Board Member Marty Esquivel the benefit of the doubt. He is after all the only board member in the history of the APS to propose a district wide administrative accountability audit.

The idea was quashed, I believe,
by Board Member, Paula Maes,
who said at the time;

"I will never agree to an audit
that will come and address personnel."

"I do not want an audit that would say, ..., Tom Savage is a horrible administrator"

Never the less, I just asked Board Member Marty Esquivel to stand up as a role model of the Student Standard of Conduct, specifically the Pillar of Trustworthiness and he is apparently unwilling.

I want him to tell the truth about the closed meeting of the Audit Committee, and he will not. He is apparently satisfied that he has fulfilled the requirements of the lowest standard of acceptable conduct; the law.

There are higher standards of conduct, and he is accountable as a role model of one of them; whether he likes it or not, and
whether he will admit it or not.

He is obligated to demonstrate by his own personal example;
what it looks like to tell the truth.

It behooves us to pause briefly,
to clarify the definition of "telling the truth".

I offer the following illustration of "telling the truth",
according to the Pillars of Respect and Trustworthiness.
Imagine a small pile of Cherrios on the table.
The Cheerios represent the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.

To whom does that pile of truth belong?
With whom must that truth be shared?

To begin with, the law requires that some of the truth
be kept from public knowledge.
There are likely other good and ethical reasons,
beside the law, to keep some truth secret.

Separate from the whole pile of Cheerios,
an amount of Cheerios equal the the truth that is kept
secret for any good and ethical reason.

The Cheerios that are left, represent the truth that enjoys
no exemption
from the rest.

To whom does that pile belong?

Students, according to their standards of conduct,
forfeit their good character,
if they do not push the entire remaining pile toward
stakeholders at the earliest opportunity.

Marty Esquivel is a role model of
the Pillars of Respect and Trustworthiness.
In that capacity, he has the responsibility to role model
telling the truth about the Audit Committee's closed meeting.

According to the Student Standard of Conduct,
if I ask APS senior role model, Esquivel a legitimate question,
his responsibility is to respond candidly, forthrightly, and honestly.

His duty as a role model, is to push over every single Cheerio
that does not enjoy good and ethical exemption.

That is the very response that he requires of
the 87,000 of our sons and daughters in the APS.

With reasonable specificity, consistent with
the requirements of the Pillars of Respect and

What happened in the closed meeting?

Marty Esquivel
has an opportunity, and a responsibility
to step up as a role model for students; to test his mettle;

a moment of truth, as it were.

This is not Mr. Esquivel's first failure to step up and
tell the truth. link

cc Marty Esquivel upon posting

photos Mark Bralley

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