Monday, February 23, 2009

Robert Lucero's latest brainstorm.

Robert Lucero chairs the
APS Audit Committee.

He looking to find someone
to fill an empty community
oversight seat.

He thinks it would be swell, if the empty seat was filled by one
of the three board members who leave office this week.

Just to keep it in the family; you know,
so they could still hang out together.

Gosh Robert,

don't you think that stinks just a little of
the appearance of a conflict of interest?
Current Board Policy reads;
The Audit Committee will also include two non-Board/non-APS employees. ... The non-Board/non-APS members, one of whom shall be a CPA, will be selected by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board. ...

Do you suppose that he really can't see the appearance of
a conflict of interest, or that he just really doesn't care?

All of which begs a more fundamental question;
Why are the community oversight members
appointed by the very people they will oversee?

If Audit Committee members were corrupt or incompetent,
wouldn't that policy allow them to appoint someone
who was just as corrupt, and just as incompetent,
in order to hide their corruption and incompetence?

Wouldn't it be stupid if they didn't?

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