Monday, February 09, 2009

APS Finance Committee meets tonight.

They will sign off on a document that reveals that
$171,262.65 worth of equipment has been stolen from the
APS. No mention of the period of time this number

Meyners + Co. auditors revealed last year, that the leadership
of the APS had failed to protect public resources from theft.

They wrote that

"Inventories for fixed assets have not been taken
and the tagging system is not current."

making it that much easier to steal equipment
without getting caught.

Almost $200,000.00 worth.

There is an APS senior administrator whose responsibility
it was, to take inventories and tag equipment.

Neither his name, nor his consequence, will ever be known.

School Board head hocho, Paula Maes once said;
"I will never agree to an audit ..."
that would name the name of the administrators who
cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And damned if she didn't pull it off.


Anonymous said...

Inventory and tagging doesn't lock machines to tables and shelves. Unless a cage or case locking mechanism is purchased at the time of the machine purchase, it will be vulnerable until such time as that anti-theft purchase is made and implemented. Solid anti-theft measures increase the cost of the original purchase by 50% at least.
The current loss amount is about half of the cost of anti-theft products needed to secure the items. The Decision-maker that should answer the question is the one that makes the decision about how technology is purchased and secured throughout the district, but it is not the same person who tags and takes inventory.

ched macquigg said...

Thank you for your insight.