Thursday, February 05, 2009

APS leadership and the role modeling of the student standard of conduct.

There are three new board members.

At least one, David Robbins,
is willing to discuss the issue of
administrative role modeling of
the student standard of conduct.

It is important that the discussion take place rather immediately.

Before the new board members get ranked in.

I will post two questions on my alternative blog; Eye on APS.

Eye on APS is the blog where we proceed as though
stakeholders have a seat at the table where decisions are made.

Diogenes' six is where the wet work gets done
that needs to get done, to get
stakeholders a seat at the table where decisions are made.

On this blog I will argue that any senior administrator or
board member who will not respond to questions,
and rather immediately,
does so out of a lack of courage, character, or both.

If there is any other reason at all,
now would be the time to point it out.

If there is any other reason at all, why the senior most
role models of the student standard of conduct,
will not step up as role models of the student standard of conduct,

except that

they lack the courage, the character, or both.


Otherwise, expect to read their responses to these questions
over at Eye on APS.

or perhaps in our newspaper of record;
the Albuquerque Journal.

Here, there, or any where they respond;

There are two legitimate questions on the table;

1) Is there any good and ethical reason
that the senior most administrative and executive role models
of the APS Student Standard of Conduct,

should not have to respond candidly, forthrightly and honestly to the following question, as worded?

assuming no, then;

2) What are your intentions, with respect to
administrative and executive rolemodeling of
the APS Student Standard of Conduct?

I will prevail upon the board manager
to forward a link to this post to all sitting board members,
and board members elect, and to senior administration.

photos Mark Bralley


Mr. Lorenzo Garcia, District 3, board member elect;
I will have to learn many things in this new role as APS Board member, including the details of the APS Student Standard of Conduct which I have not yet seen; and or, how this particular code overlaps into the roles of staff. All Board members, staff and students would best serve the community by striving to uphold and model high standards of conduct and ethics.

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