Monday, December 22, 2008

Winston Brooks; betwixt a rock and a hard place

Sometime this morning, Winston Brooks will find out that he
is the subject of a complaint filed under his precious little
SilentWhistle program.

Complaints are fielded by the Internal Audit Department,
and are supposed to go directly to the superintendent and
to the school board.

All of them are guilty of ethical misconduct.

Everyone of them refuses to be held honestly accountable
as a role model of the student standard of conduct; a nationally
recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct.

Winston Brooks has only two choices;

  1. he can find himself and the rest of the leadership of the APS guilty of ethical misconduct, or
  2. he can do anything else at all.

Since he and the board have been refusing for months to
even discuss the issue of administrative role modeling of
the student standard of conduct, it is obvious what he will do today.

He will prove that the whole SilentWhistle thing is a sham.
He will prove that it exists for two reasons, and
for two reasons only;
  1. to mislead stakeholders into believing that there are consequences for ethical misconduct by the leadership of the APS, and
  2. to keep complaints secret from public knowledge.

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