Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Build a Culture of Accountability: Five Ways to Enhance the Level of Accountability...

from the internet link

"Holding people accountable for results is the foundation of an organization's performance; it's management 101."

"...few factors negatively impact morale and productivity more than the perception that others are not held accountable for results,..."

Which of the following is recognized and implemented in the APS?

1. Translate strategy into specific objectives.
2. Coordinate actions across levels and work units and follow up on progress.
3. Provide accurate and timely information to employees.
4. Ensure that your actions are consistent with company objectives, values, and priorities.
Leaders can't expect people to trust or follow them if they are not willing to live by the same values and support the same priorities that they require of others.
5. Clarify expectations and head off potential problems.

The leadership of the APS is unwilling to hold itself accountable to the same standards of conduct and competence that they enforce upon employees.

More importantly, the leadership of the APS is unwilling to hold itself accountable to the same standards of conduct and competence that they enforce upon students,

and then they wonder why students are not behaving and why students are not succeeding.

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