Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Open letter to Winston Brooks

Superintendent Brooks,

As you are no doubt aware, I have filed a complaint against you by means of the alleged SilentWhistle. link and others if you have an interest, just read them.

A number of highly unethical attempts are being made in an effort to keep you from standing on the record, and defending your refusal to step up as a role model of the Pillars of Character Counts!

Step up now, or corroborate my allegation that you lack the character and the courage to step up as a role model of a nationally recognized, accepted, and respected code of ethical behavior.

Explain, defend, or deny your refusal to step up at a role model.

Your failure to do so, points to and underscores your cowardice.

cc Winston Brooks at superintendent(at)aps.edu
upon posting.

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