Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Top 10 Reasons not to conduct a forensic audit the APS


OK, The Top Reason not to audit the leadership of APS.


damn, I can't even think of one.

And neither can Monica Armenta
the highly paid Executive Director of Communications
for the Albuquerque Public Schools,
and part time poster nazi! link


Anonymous said...

Top ten reasons:
1) Paula might go to jail for conspiracy
2) Peter Domeneci would have egg all over his face as he retires
3) They'd have to recall Beth Everitt to testify and/or do time
4) half of the "site" principals would have to pay the $1000s they've pilfered from their schools
5) The State would have to suffer blame as well
6) Richardson would have to answer to the public why he let continue for years under his nose.
7) MArty Chavez would have to answer as to why he didn't intervene for years.
8) Tom Savage would spend years in court because of his fingers in so many messed up APS pies.
9) It would make Gil Lovato look like a Saint, even though he's nowhere near being innocent.
10) The stress finally gets to Chunky the elephant and Monica Armenta and they jump off a mile-high stack of unused "Ethics in education" books.
--An APS instructor

Joseph Lopez said...

APS Instructor Rocks!