Friday, March 07, 2008

Monica Armenta; APS' Poster Nazi!

(Fore note; the following post was written on the day that the candidates for the APS superintendency were standing for questions, before the community.)

Supposedly acting on orders from
Tom Savage,
Monica Armenta ordered the
APS Praetorian Guard
to take my poster down.

The poster was 24" x 24", and did not violate any rule
disclosed after my many requests that the rules would
be disclosed, before the meeting.

The poster read

Is there even one of you
with the courage and the character
be a role model?

Is there even one of you
with character and courage enough
to even acknowledge the question?

(mid note Winston Brooks still has not acknowledged the question; even to this day.)

Two meetings down, two to go.

So far, the words
role model, have not been used.

The word
accountability has been bandied about a bit,

but not in connection to meaningful standards of
conduct and competence for public servants

in the leadership of the APS.

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