Thursday, May 29, 2008

If Public Service were actually accountable to voters

If public corruption and incompetence were accountable at

why is there still public corruption and incompetence?

Assuming that the most blatantly corrupt and incompetent
public servants can actually be removed at election,

(and the names Manny Aragon and Rebecca Vigil-Giron
come to mind as proof of the converse)

Isn't is time to consider the reality?

Institutional corruption and incompetence
is not eliminated by eliminating individual
corruption and incompetence.

Corrupt and incompetent public servants
are not the same thing as institutional corruption and

Eliminating the one,
does not eliminate the other.

And further,

the fact that public corruption and incompetence still exist;
is proof positive, that in the entire history of mankind

We have never elected anyone who could end or
who would end institutional corruption and incompetence
once and for all.

Voters have never been offered, nor will they ever be offered
a thumbs up or down on annual aggressive forensic auditing
of public servants and of public service;

the only proof of honest accountability to real standards
of conduct and competence in public service.

There is no equivalent gesture.

Accountability is fatal to corruption and incompetence.

Accountability is fatal to the corrupt and incompetent.

The corrupt and the incompetent in public service
will never hand the stick to stakeholders
that can be used to beat them over the head.


Why would they?

Q. Why do some people still believe that someday they will?

A. see; Asshat

(note to whomever the image belongs;
I have used the image without your permission, simply because
I have no idea who you are, or how I would get in contact with you.)

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