Monday, May 26, 2008

There is not a single administrator or board member in the entire APS

who does not have guilty knowledge of corruption and incompetence.

Guilty knowledge meaning;

they know of corruption and incompetence and have
failed to act upon that knowledge in order to rectify
the situation.
No one, and I mean no one,

has ever offered an alternative explanation for their failure
except their personal corruption and/or cowardice.

There is a standing offer for anyone to post an alternative
explanation. I have begged for such an explanation.

No one has offered it, no one will.

Not even Monica Armenta,
who has had the question on her desk for more than a year

and who is paid, and paid well,
to provide exactly such an explanation.

One does not exist.

The role modeling of the leadership of the APS
is of incompetence, corruption and hypocrisy.

And if we wanted our 90,000 of our sons and daughters to
grow up to embrace hypocrisy, corruption and cowardice,
there would be no problem.

But we don't;
and so there is.

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