Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meyners + Co reads D6

Meyners + Co prepared the Meyners Audit.

That was the audit that revealed that all of the tax dollars
that flow through the APS each year;
more than a billion in number;

were spent by a Finances Division that never

  • had written and financially sound policies and procedures, and
  • who didn't enforce what procedures they did have, and
  • did business with vendors who benefited from this arrangement so lucratively, that they were able to pop for the administrative soirée at the Inn of the Mountain Gods.
oh, and
  • they didn't keep adequate records of any of it.
With a billion three lying on the table relatively unguarded
it is a safe bet that some went missing.

And an aggressive forensic audit would identify by name,
those who took advantage of the public trust.

Oh, but,
  • Paula Maes and the Modrall say that there's no way that they will stand for an honest audit.

Meyners + Co prepared the audit for the leadership of the APS;

an audit that revealed corruption and incompetence,
but not one single name to be held accountable.

They are to be paid a great deal of money to fix the damage that is done. They will do it without naming the name of any of the good ol' boys.

Meyners + Co
are not working for the public,
they report directly to the people who's corruption and
incompetence is under "scrutiny".

no one from the leadership of the APS, or from Meyners + Co,
has admitted to any legal obligation
to report criminal misconduct to anyone except the criminals;

and Modrall.

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