Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Winston Brooks ignoring complaint against Rigo Chavez

I "filed" a complaint against APS Custodian of Public Records.
Rigo Chavez, with Winston Brooks, c.o. "superintendent(at)aps.edu."

The complaint, that Rigo Chavez is ignoring a reasonable
request for an accommodation of a disability, in the
examination of pubic records, is going ignored.

Winston Brooks did not answer the complaint with any defense,
explanation or even acknowledgment; he simply ignored it.

All of which illustrates my point; that there is no venue for
filing a complaint against an APS administrator where a
principled resolution of the complaint is guaranteed, or even

The leadership of the APS is a good ol' boys club, and they
cover each others asses.

And if you don't like it, you can sue them. You will find yourself
in court fighting against the most powerful law firm in the state,
Modrall, who enjoys a virtually unlimited supply of tax dollars
that they can use to litigate against the public interests by
providing exception to the law for APS administrators.

cc Winston Brooks, @ superintendent(at)aps.edu.

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