Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rigo Chavez says APS investigations are still ongoing.

Almost two years ago, the public became aware of what looks
and smells like public corruption and criminal conspiracy in
the leadership of the APS (police department).

APS Custodian of Public Records/Communications Director
Rigo Chavez was asked for a record of any evidence that
had been forwarded to the DA' office by the APS.

His response;

With regard to your request for a list of records that were
forwarded to the District Attorney's Office, no records
have been forwarded t the DA's Office because investigations are ongoing."
His statement seems to controvert what Bernalillo County
District Attorney Kari Brandenburg says. She claims
to be in the midst of investigations as well.

There is what is called a statute of limitations link.
After two years it will be impossible to file any criminal charges
against the APS good ol' boys who used Darren White's
sophisticated and supposedly secure criminal background
data base to harass APS whistle blowers and to do one of
the most intense criminal background checks possible on
APS Assistant Superintendent Tom Savage's then

Whatever is actually going on, it sure looks like the good
ol' boys are gaming the system to avoid the consequences
of felony criminal misconduct.

It sure looks like Kari Brandenburg is part of the cover up.

What kind of criminal justice system allows the bad guys
to investigate their own felony criminal misconduct and then
sit on the information until a statute of limitations frees them
forever from accountability for their criminal misconduct?

Darren White and Kari Brandenburg have some questions
to answer before they ask voters to re-elect them.

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