Monday, September 15, 2008

Consider the implications

If at every school in the APS, teachers are told that they are
not to contact the educational dignitaries,

the educational dignitaries will never hear the teachers version
of what is going on in the public schools.

For one, they will never hear that one of the biggest problems
in schools is the lack of discipline.

Administrators are responsible for the enforcement of
discipline polices.

The leadership of the APS has failed to maintain adult
control over schools.

And they don't want to be hearing from teachers about what
they think should be done.

A middle school principal decides to suspend contracts and
constitutions, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Except, show up somewhere, and
stand up for what you believe in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The leadership of the APS has failed to maintain adult
control over schools.

And they don't want to be hearing from teachers about what
they think should be done.

A middle school principal decides to suspend contracts and
constitutions, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Right on the money, especially at Jefferson!