Tuesday, September 02, 2008

APS' first annual administrative accountability audit

On the occasion of the first APS administrative accountability audit, competent and impartial auditors examine the entire leadership of the APS looking for meaningful standards of conduct and competence. And then they look for honest accountability to those standards.

Finding both, they will assure taxpayer stakeholders that the leadership of the APS is free of corruption and incompetence, and that stakeholder confidence in the leadership of the APS is justified.

Finding neither, they will inform taxpayer stakeholders that likely millions of tax dollars have been lost or stolen, and that

there is a need for an immediate full scale forensic audit of the entire leadership of the APS.

Forensic auditors will then examine the leadership looking for the corrupt, the incompetent, and the practices that enable them.

On the occasion of the second annual APS administrative accountability audit, a clean audit report is issued.

Auditors will report that meaningful standards of conduct and competence exist, and that there is honest accountability to those standards.

Or, the superintendent is fired for his incompetence and/or corruption.

And the school board held accountable for hiring the wrong
person for the job.

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