Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Board candidate forum tonight

According to an article in the Journal link sub req

candidates for the empty seat in APS District 7 will answer
questions from the public tonight at La Cueva High School.
in the performing arts center at 6:30 pm.

According to the Journal;

Those attending also will have an opportunity to ask
questions," APS board president Mary Lee Martin said.
In the past, this has meant that audience members could write
their questions down and hand them into the leadership of the
APS who would reword the questions to their liking before
posing them to candidates.

When they were trying to fill the superintendent's slot, they
would not allow/require any of the candidates to answer any
questions about the role modeling of the student standard of

The leadership of the APS is actively engaged in weakening
the student standards of conduct, and in eliminating any actual
responsibility to be a role model for students and staff.

The heart of the problem lies in the fact that the leadership
of the APS has some information that they want to keep
secret from stakeholders. The information can only be kept
secret from stakeholders for as long as the leadership of the
APS can avoid actual accountability to any standard of conduct
that requires candid, forthright, and honest responses to
legitimate questions about the public interests in the public
schools or to legitimate questions about their public service.

It will be interesting to see if tonight, anyone of the candidates
is willing to be candid, forthright and honest with stakeholders.

My advice; don't hold your breath.

La Cueva is located at 7801 Wilshire Ave NE, in the northwest
corner of Wyoming Blvd and Wilshire avenue.
Wilshire avenue is five blocks north of Paseo Del Norte.

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