In particular, I would like to call you attention to Wednesday September 24.
Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education
District 7 Board Member Appointment Plan
August-October 2008
Plan approved by Board of Education on August 22, 2008.
Date Action
Friday, August 22, 2008 Board approval of appointment process, timeline, resolution, notice, application questionnaire, and interview/voting process.
Week of August 25, 2008
(Notice: August 26)
(Web Info: August 22)
Greater ABQ Chamber Monday News – Aug. 25;
ABQ Hispano Chamber –
TBA for newsletter)
(All other, such as schools in District 7: Sept 2 - 5)
Notice of Vacancy published in the Albuquerque Journal. Information for Applicants, Notice of Vacancy, and District 7 map published on website. Notice of vacancy sent to government officials, chambers, media, and schools in District 7.
Applications and information posted online and available at the reception desk for walk-ins.
Board Duties and Responsibilities. According to Section 22-5-4, NMSA, the authority and duties of the Board are:
• Develop educational policies for the school district,
• Employ a local superintendent for the school district and set the superintendent’s salary,
• Review and approve the annual school district budget,
• Acquire, lease and dispose of property,
• Have the capacity to sue and be sued,
• Acquire property by eminent domain pursuant to the procedures provided in the Eminent Domain Code (42A-1-1 NMSA 1978)
• Issue general obligation bonds of the school district,
• Provide for the repair of and maintain all property belonging to the school district,
• For good cause and upon order of the district court, subpoena witnesses and documents in connection with a hearing concerning any powers or duties of the local school board,
• Except for expenditures for salaries, contract for the expenditure of money according to the provisions of the Procurement Code (13-1-28 NMSA 1978),
• Adopt rules pertaining to the administration of all powers or duties of the local school board,
• Accept or reject any charitable gift, grant, devise or bequest. The particular gift, grant, devise or bequest accepted shall be considered an asset of the school district or the public school to which it is given,
• Offer and, upon compliance with the conditions of such offer, pay rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction or other appropriate disciplinary disposition by the courts or juvenile authorities of offenders in case of theft, defacement or destruction of school district property. All such rewards will be paid from school district funds in accordance with rules promulgated by the Public Education Department, and
• Give prior approval for any educational program in a public school in the school district that is to be conducted, sponsored, carried on or caused to be carried on by a private organization or agency.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Applicant Letters of Intent, Application Questionnaires, and Resumes that include references are due by noon in the Board Services Office.
Saturday, September 13 Copies of all Application Questionnaires will be hand-delivered to Board members in Board packets on Saturday, September 13 along with the usual board business.
September 15, 16, 2008
Checks performed on candidates to ensure qualifying status. Applicant addresses and voter registration will be confirmed. Applicants must be registered to vote by date of application. The person to be appointed must be at least 18 years of age, a registered voter in New Mexico and a resident of the Board of Education District 7 and not a convicted felon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Confirmation letter sent to candidates confirming that the application questionnaire has been received and that they have met the qualifications to be a board member. Details of the two applicant interviews will be included in the confirmation letter: 1) the community forum in District 7 on Wednesday, September 24, 6:30 p.m., at La Cueva’s Performing Arts Center, 7801 Wilshire NE, and 2) the interview with the Board of Education on Friday, September 26, 7 a.m., DeLayo Martin Community Board Room, 6400 Uptown Blvd NE. Letters of Regret will be mailed to any applicants who do not meet the qualifications.
September 12, notice of Special Meeting on September 26.
Deadline to submit notice of Special Meeting when Board of Education interviews the applicants.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 6:30 p.m.;
Location: La Cueva’s Performing Arts Center, 7801 Wilshire NE Facilitated community forum. Process will include a professional facilitator. Community members may submit questions to candidates. The number and length of questions asked will be determined by the format of the meeting. The format of the meeting depends on the number of applicants and will be predetermined and communicated to candidates in the confirmation letter; however, each applicant will have a set time to make an opening statement and a closing statement. Input from the community will be tabulated and provided to the Board of Education for their consideration prior to Friday, September 26.
Friday, September 26, 2008
(7-9 a.m.)
Location: DeLayo Martin Community Room At 7 a.m., the Board will conduct interviews of all applicants who are registered to vote in New Mexico, 18 years of age, residents of District 7, and who returned application questionnaires on time. The Board president will provide an overview. Applicants will be interviewed one at a time in alphabetical order. The Board will ask each applicant the same questions.
At the end of the interviews, the Board president may recess the interview session for a break, if desired.
Board members will reconvene immediately following the interviews or the recess for the Special Board Meeting. Roll Call will be taken and the meeting resumed to discuss the board membership vacancy for District 7.
Public speakers will not be permitted on this agenda item. Board members will vote to appoint a new Board member for District 7 by a majority vote. The Board President will invite the new Board member to make comments and confirm that the Board member is required to take the oath of office at the October 1 Regular Board meeting.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 5 p.m. Regular Board Meeting The new Board Member will take an oath of office and join the Board of Education.
Monday, October 20, 2008, through the week Board of Education training.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Time line for filling the District 7 seat on the APS school board
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:16 AM
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