Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Likely, Diane Denish will be the next Governor of New Mexico.

Who then, more than she, has an obligation to be candid,
forthright and honest, about the culture of corruption
in state government?

There is some disagreement whether there is, or is not,
a culture of corruption in state government; a culture that
tolerates and enables personal corruption and incompetence.

At the very least, there is that widespread and deeply held misperception.

It which case it is the responsibility of the next governor,
to address that misperception and to rehabilitate the reputation
of her government.

It is up to her to give New Mexicans her word that, their perception of a culture of corruption, is unfounded.

Or, it is up to her to describe the culture of corruption that really does exist, candidly, forthrightly, and honestly.

Corruption exists in only two circumstances;

  1. darkness, and
  2. under the protection of the abuse of power and privilege.
If the next governor is going to end the culture of corruption, she will have to have a plan that shines light on the administration of public resources and power. Transparency limited only by the expressed will of the people, fully informed.

If the next governor is going to end the culture of corruption,
she will have a plan that provides impartial accountability,
powerful enough to hold even the most powerful accountable;
powerful enough to hold her accountable,
even against her will

Light ends darkness, honest accountability ends the abuse
of power and privilege.

Will Governor Denish fight for transparent accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence for politicians and public servants, within their public service?

Or will she argue, they already exist;
there is no culture of corruption?

Or will she continue to pretend,
she still doesn't hear the question?

photo Mark Bralley

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