Thursday, November 12, 2009

Monahan steps up, with a vengeance.

I, like many, have been reading
Joe Monahan's
blog for years.

It has been my constant frustration that he, like so many other "reporters" was unwilling to bite that hands that feed him.

I reasoned that reporters who write pieces that hit politicians and public servants hard, paid for their brass by finding further interviews that much harder to find.

This morning, link, Monahan chimed in on the outrage that is the "investigation" of the Locksley dust up. He used words like; cronyism, and blatant politicization. He even called for resignations.

He pointed to Governor Bill Richardson's personal and political failure to step up.

He pointed to the failure of Lt Governor Diane Denish, self proclaimed "leader in ethics reform" to step up on the issue.

The only thing Monahan didn't mention, that I wish he had, was the need for an "independent investigation", and the on going refusal of any of the good ol' boys to get one going, link.

The independent investigation is the only proof that things have changed, that politicians and public servants actually are accountable to the people.

The absence of an independent investigation is instead,
proof positive that nothing has really changed at all.

Politicians and public servants are not accountable to the people for as long as we can ask legitimate questions about the public interests and about their public service, and they can respond to those questions by saying;"I am not going to answer any questions."

What more proof could you possibly need that you have lost control over power and resources that are fundamentally your own, than that those who spend them can refuse to answer questions about how they are spending them,
and then get away with it?

photo Mark Bralley

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