Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Which will be the first mayoral candidate to stand up as a role model?

The leadership of the APS is trying to decide whether
to restore the Role Modeling clause to the
Employee Standards of Conduct.

One candidate will be the first to stand on the record
to insist that the leadership of the APS step up as role models
of the Student Standards of Conduct by restoring the clause
which reads;

In no case shall the standard of conduct for an adult,
be lower than the standard of conduct for students.

One of them will be the first to stand up as a role model
for their nearly 90,000 constituents, who are students
in the APS.

In exchange for which, many people
will give them five dollars.

Some one of them, will be the first to stand up as a role model;
every other one of them, will be among the last.

I pity the fool,
who is dead last.

Mr T link

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