Thursday, March 19, 2009

Open letter to the APS Board of Education, re; the Audit Committee Meeting

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before the Audit Committee adjourns to its session in secret,
it must convene on the record.

While the meeting is still on the public record,
there are two issues which should be discussed;

1. the formal complaint of fraud attached to this audit.
A complaint filed with the Office of the State Auditor,
on February 8, 2009.

2. the review and approval of whistleblower complaints.

APS Board Policy reads;

"The Audit Committee reviews and recommends
approval of ...any whistleblower complaints."

I filed two legitimate whistle blower complaints.
Neither has been reviewed or approved by the
Audit Committee.
They are being denied their due process.

For the record then;
1. Was the complaint alleging fraud attached to this audit,
considered by the Office of the State Auditor before
writing their final opinion?
2a. Why are whistle blower complaints being denied
review and approval despite School Board Policy
which clearly guarantees that review and approval?

2b. Who on the Audit Committee is denying those
complaints, their due process?

There is no good and ethical reason
that these questions will not be asked and answered,
on the public record, before the Audit Committee
moves into secret.

If there is,
I cannot imagine it, and so far
neither can anyone else.

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