I know that there are literally hundreds of people in the APS
who have attended Character Counts! training.
I know that for the most, the people that come out of those
trainings, come out changed people. Those that take the
training back to their schools, take it with more enthusiasm
than I have seen for any other trainings for educators.
Character Counts! is the character education model for the APS,
by a unanimous vote of the school board.
APS pays two senior administrators, Carole Smith and
Dee Dee Stroud, in whole or in part, to advocate on behalf of
Character Counts!
Character Counts! is tight. It was written by fifty of the most
capable people that could be assembled for three days in 1992,
in Aspen Colorado.
Please take the time to read the Aspen Declaration and the
names and qualifications of the men and women who wrote it.
United States Senator Pete Domenici is a Founding Father
of Character Counts! He was there in Aspen Colorado.
Mayor Martin Chavez has claimed to be
a Founding Father of Character Counts!
Teachers Union President Don Whatley is
a Founding Father of Character Counts!
President of the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce,
Teri Cole claimed at one time, to advocate Character Counts!
There are a lot of people who could and should be standing up
in support of the Pillars of Character Counts! as the standard
of conduct for students, and for their adult role models.
And still, I am the only one.
I cannot do it alone.
If some body else doesn't stand up, and soon,
David Peercy, and the rest of the leadership of the APS
will eliminate administrative and executive accountability
as role models of the Pillars of Character Counts!
The leadership of the APS is buried in a cloud of hypocrisy.
They refuse to step up as role models of the student standards
of conduct. The Pillars of Character Counts! are a higher
standard of conduct than one to which they are willing to be
held honestly accountable.
There are only two ways to disperse the cloud of hypocrisy;
- raise their own standards of conduct, or
- lower the student standards of conduct;
- by eliminating the Pillars of Character Counts! altogether, or
- by redefining the meaning of the Pillars in terms low enough to suit their interests.
If there is such a thing as a battle between good and evil,
surely this is it.
The meeting where the Pillars of Character Counts!
will endorsed or renounced, was not scheduled during
spring break when stakeholders could attend.
It will not be held in the evening,
when stakeholders could attend.
It will not accommodate a public forum where stakeholders
would have the opportunity to exercise their right
to petition their government.
It will be held at 7:30 in the morning, Friday, April 17th
with minimal attendance.
In the balance;
- Honest accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence according to the Pillars of Character Counts! or
- the same old, same old; good ol' boy accountability to good ol' boy standards of conduct and competence.
According to the Student Standards of Conduct,
stakeholders have a right to meaningful participation in
decisions that affect their interests.

ignored because
David Peercy wants
to do something really,
really bad.
And he can't do it,
if stakeholders are in
the room.
Acquaint yourself please,
with the standards of
conduct which Peercy
and the rest,
(tacitly or overtly)
would eschew
as their own. link
There are no standards more appropriate than these;
neither for students, nor for David Peercy and the
rest of the leadership of the APS.
photo Mark Bralley
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