Wednesday, May 09, 2007

open letter to education journalists and editors

I saw a tee shirt once; it read;

Vietnam; if you weren't there,
keep your mouth shut.

The argument has a certain resonance.

Education; if you haven't been there,
keep your mouth shut.

APS is always looking for substitute teachers. If you have a degree and no criminal record, you could arrange to be a substitute teacher for a day.

I dare you, substitute teach for even one day in a school "in need of improvement".

It might change your perspective.

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

I went from being a school administrator for safety and security in Colorado to being an Educational Assistant at Sierra Alternative. I was there about a month, then went to Albuquerque Charter Vocational. This was the 2003-2004 school year.

Sierra and Charter Vocational reminded me how important it was to do a "reality check" every once in a while. The lingua-code our kids speak changes from generation to generation, though many of the dynamics stay the same. Other trends and technology issues are different than even a few years ago, and continue to change.

How GREAT if every administrator with a degree was required to sub-teach one day out of their 2080 hour paid year, huh? Would we get some serious reality checking and pragmatism out of that? Would educational administrators bea justa little more in tune with reality as it exists THEN, not fighting the last educational war they already lost ten years ago?

I already proposed re-tasking and upgrading safety and security into true risk mitigators. What I propose here, is that if a bunch of EAs who work security can help teach, so can each and every high paid administrator, sub once a year.