Wednesday, May 09, 2007

another disgruntled former employee

I am becoming acquainted with another disgruntled former employee.

Disgruntled former employee is the name that APS puts to those who try to expose administrative corruption and incompetence.

Disgruntled former employees pay a penalty for being disgruntled; for exposing corruption and incompetence.

I thought that I had paid a big penalty until I met a man who,for exposing corruption in the leadership of the APS, was beaten nearly to death in a school parking lot.

No APS administrator has been held accountable for their responsibility in that incident.

We suspect that there are more than two of us
disgruntled former employees.

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

Ched and I have been through much of the same rigamarole as we have tried to get people to recognize they are in a cave and think the shadows on the wall are reality.

We used to think the cave shadows were all there were too, but we have been yanked out of our viewing positions and rattled around enough to break us from our spells.

It hurts to get kicked in the head. It hurts to get your eye cut open and for eye pressure to never be very manageable again. It hurts to get kicked in the ribs and neck. Those kinds of pain snap you out of the "oldthink" pretty damn quick.

Why would anyone try to get a school employee who has just been harassed, stalked then battered to DROP THE CHARGES on the kids who hurt him, on pain of being fired? Why would anyone then ENROLL the kids who disabled the safety and security officer, before the ambulance even got there? Why have a closed door meeting with the parents before you get medical attention and law enforcement out to an Aggravated Battery on a school employee?

All good questions, then ask yourself- why believe ANYTHING said by the person who lies to the cops and the PED for personal gain?

These questions have not been asked by anyone who wants to keep closed the Pandora's box of Danny Moon's "routine retaliation" (Quoted from PED's own investigation, aquired through NMIPRA) I have evidence, which I presented to PED, that got Moon fired and de-certified. But when they investigate, they BELIEVE HIS OLD LIES instead of taking into consideration his motivation to continue with his duplicity.

I am hoping that Don Duran of PED, who I emailed regarding these matters, will act. I tried bringing them up to Carl Warren Company, a Risk Managment Sub-contractor for NMPSIA, but they interviewed no one who had knowledge of the case except MOON, who had already been stripped of his licenses by PED for his lying and cheating. Then they take his word over mine, but were glad to take my word when it benefitted them by getting rid of DANNY.