Thursday, May 17, 2007

parents have a right to be notified

More correctly, parents may expect that the teacher and the school will make a reasonable effort to make sure that parents are aware of academic realities.

If we were talking about a first grader; and the school hadn't informed the parents that their child was failing first grade; that would be one thing.

A whole other thing, is a policy that says if the school cannot prove by a preponderance of evidence in a court of competent jurisdiction and after exhausting all possible appeals; that parents were not aware that their seventeen/eighteen year old son was not going to classes or doing any work; the student must receive credit for work they didn't do; and then participate in privileges that they did not earn.

This young man is regarded by his country as
responsible enough to go to some far off corner
of the world and decide over and over again,
which human being he will protect with his life;
and which he will shoot to death.

Yet APS policy is that he cannot be held responsible for his own attendance and participation in senior english.

Was APS policy written by stakeholders with the best interests of children foremost?

Or was it written by the lawyers of Modral,
and billed to public education?

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