Thursday, May 24, 2007

as a matter of both policy and principle;

the leadership of the APS regards all records as confidential. It is then up to the person who makes a request for those records to prove, in court and at great personal financial and emotional cost, that they do in fact, have a right to know the truth.

It is a perversion of the law. It is Juris Mustelidae;
it is legal weaselry;

underwritten financially by unwitting taxpayers and against public interests.

Should the leadership of the APS surrender, to the District Attorney and to public knowledge, the records of alleged felony criminal misconduct in the leadership of the APS and its Police Department?

From the IPRA;

The Inspection of Public Records Act is intended to provide the public with access to information about governmental affairs. Open government -- that is, the public's access to government actions -- is a crucial aspect of a functioning democracy.
As opposed to the position of the leadership of the APS and Modral;
Open government; public access to government actions, is an anathema; and hiding public records is a crucial aspect of remaining in power.

even against public interests.

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