Friday, May 11, 2007

moment of truth for APS leadership

Talk about a moment of truth.

Today at noon, the leadership of the APS will make public, records of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the administration of the APS Police.

Or not.

Never, in my experience, has this issue been so clearly in focus. There is no gray area. The truth will be told or the truth will be hidden.

Paula Maes and the Modral law firm will seek to avoid any sort of role call vote. If compelled, they will vote to continue to hide the truth.

Robert Lucero will vote to hide the truth.

Berna Facio has voted to hide the truth before.

There are four remaining board members who will have to stand up for what they believe in and call the question to a vote.

Marty Esquivel,

Gordy Rowe,

Delores Griego,

and Mary Lee Martin.

If I wrote; a battle between good and evil;
it would sound histrionic. Never the less;

if this isn't, ...what is?

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