Thursday, May 10, 2007

Unless Beth Everitt fired Gil Lovato for no reason;

Gil Lovato did something wrong.

If there is evidence of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the administration of the APS Police Department; there is by logical extension;

evidence of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the APS.

The immediately relevant evidence of that corruption and criminal conspiracy exists in the form of results of at least three separate investigations of Gil Lovato and/or the administration of the APS Police.

The leadership of the APS has so far refused to make public; the results of those investigations.

The results are absolutely public records, and are absolutely subject to the requirements of the NMIPRA.

The leadership of the APS, and these public records, enjoy no exception to the law.

The leadership of the APS is deliberately violating the law. If push comes to shove, they will use public resources to employ the lawyers of Modral to prevent the surrender of public records.

Public resources will be used against the public interests, by the leadership of the APS; in order to escape accountability for their conduct and their competence as public servants.

There is no other reason for them to refuse to surrender the public record except that they are damned by that record.

At the Wednesday Board Meeting; the members of the Board have a choice to make; they will tell the truth, or they will perpetuate the lies.

We will know by about 1:00, what their choice will have been.

There is no other reason to hide the truth.

If you were ever going to go to a board meeting;
this would be the one.

The uptown centre is a pair of white highrise buildings
between I-40 and Coronado Center. 64oo Uptown Blvd

high noon

attend, or forever wish that you had.

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