Tuesday, May 08, 2007

the leadership of the APS has scheduled a Chinese firedrill on the deck of the Titanic

The Titanic is, sinking test scores.

In a variation on a theme, the leadership of the APS will leave the deck chairs in place and shuffle the occupants.

APS "officials" believe that "...struggling schools need stronger leaders to boost student achievement and test scores."

In their relentless arrogance; they will now send in better leaders. This despite the fact that leaders have led us into every problem we are experiencing.

The bus may have been out of control; but there was a "leader" at the wheel.

For some time; there have been complaints that APS is uncommunicative. Everitt/Maes/Modrall would have the community believe that they are doing a better job of communicating. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

As evidence of their integrity; this fire drill has been in the works since December. All the while the leadership of the APS has been feigning interest in communication; they were making decisions about principals without involving any of the stakeholders.

The "official" truth will be told on Wednesday; long, long,
long after any opportunity for stakeholders to
participate meaningfully in a decision that affected them.

Consider the concept of transparency;
does it in any way apply to this situation?

And if tomorrow Beth Everitt says, "My administration of the public trust and treasure is transparent; trust me."

...will you?

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