Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon Barela for congress

When Jon Barela was on the APS School Board, he had
the opportunity to be the first person in the entire history of
the APS to step up to honest accountability as a role model of
the APS Student Standards of Conduct.

He did not. link
At his moment of truth, he chose not to.

He had another moment of truth when he had the opportunity
to step up to a legitimate complaint of ethical misconduct.

He did not. link

We are fortunate in our lives, to get one real honest to God
moment of truth; one chance to really test our mettle.
That's why it is so important not to blow it.

Jon Barela had two moments of truth and blew them both.
He is fortunate, because he gets yet another run at it.

He could be the first politician to promise to institutionalize
transparent accountability in government.

He has an opportunity to be the first to step up and promise
to end the culture of corruption in government and politics,
by institutionalizing transparent accountability to meaningful
standards of conduct and competence for politicians and
public servants.

It's only fair to cite one last example of Jon Barela's character.

He and I had had an ongoing dispute over whether or not
I had copied him, on posts that I had written about him.

I maintained that I had, he that I hadn't.

Months later, I got a phone call from Jon Barela.
He called to tell me that he had been cleaning out old email
accounts, and had found the emails in question.

That showed an extraordinary amount of character, imho.

Most men never have
a moment of truth.

Most never really know
what they would do
when the chips were down.

This guy gets three. It is likely
there will not be a fourth.

Don't blow it, Jon Barela.

photo Mark Bralley

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