Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hector Balderas "busted"?

Blogger Monahan's subtitle,
"Hector Busted", link,
suggests that the State Auditor,
Hector Balderas has been caught
doing something wrong.

The headline is not justified by the story.

The campaign of State Auditor Hector Balderas late last month returned a $10,000 contribution to Sandia Asset Management, a Santa Fe firm associated with Marc and Anthony Correra. Marc Correra is a local investor who has made recent headlines for sharing in $15 million in finders fees as a third-party placement agent, paid by companies awarded contracts to invest state money. His father, Anthony Correra, is a friend, adviser and financial supporter of Gov. Bill Richardson.
Anyone who walks around in the yard of politics and campaign
contributions, particularly in New Mexico, is going to step in
a pile of dog shit sooner or later.

You scrape it off, you move on.

I don't see this as "busted" at all, Joe.
Get back to us if ever you have some real dirt.

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