Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Say what?

According to a KOB TV report, Winston Brooks said;

"I'm just telling you, we do know what we're doing or
we wouldn't have found it and we wouldn't be reporting it
now and being as open as we are about it."
The claims bear a little scrutiny.
"We know what we're doing or we wouldn't have
found it ..."
No, if you knew what you're doing,
you wouldn't have lost it.

If you knew what you're doing,
it wouldn't have taken ten years to find a $16M error.

"... we wouldn't be reporting it now and being as open as
we are about it."
Who is kidding whom? If it could have been hidden,
it would have been hidden.

If Winston Brooks refuses to answer a simple and legitimate
question like;
Did Meyners auditors find criminal misconduct
during their audit of the APS Finance Division?
how can he lay any claim at all to being "open"?

Isn't this a little like getting caught stealing, and then claiming
not to be a thief because when you got caught, you gave the
money back?

Monica Armenta isn't the only one spinning the truth at APS.

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