Monday, July 13, 2009

More Chavez campaign thuggery.

The event at which Marty Chavez finally told the truth
about his intention to run for mayor, was held on public
property; the Don Newton Community Center.

While some people may have been specifically invited to the event, it was clear that anyone who wanted to attend was allowed to; no one was asked for anything in the way of an actual invitation before being allowed into the "Community" Center.

Blogger and freelance journalist, Mark Bralley was met at the door by a Marty for Mayor Campaign thug, and informed that he was not invited to the "private" event, and he was told to leave.

Bralley has a history of ongoing violations of his first amendment rights when he tries to cover mayoral gatherings on public property, link.

It was my second, link.

Later, another one of Marty's thugs told me that I had to leave as well, because I too, was not "invited".

I asked the thug if he even knew my name.
He didn't.

My crime? apparently, being seen with Bralley.

When the First Amendment to the Constitution was being written, those that wrote it were not thinking of Walter Cronkite and Katie Couric,
they had in mind, Mark Bralley, and Ched MacQuigg.

There is a reason that Chavez is afraid of a press that is free
of fear of his retribution and retaliation.

That reason, in and of itself, is reason enough to
end at once and for all, any consideration of voting for him.

I went to the press conference to ask him if he was going to
match Richard Romero's promise to acknowledge any
legitimate question by responding candidly, forthrightly,
and honestly, link.

It would seem that Chavez' response is; no.

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