Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mayor Marty Chavez ducks another forum - "for ethical reasons".

The Journal reports this morning on a mayoral forum hosted by
City Councilor Sally Mayer.

Mayor Marty Chavez seems to be the only one who sees ethical
problems with the manner in which the event was publicized; emails and postcards on the public dime.

The crowd of 75 apparently agreed with Mayer, responding with applause when she argued;

"I do not consider this to be an unethical activity."

Mayer's opponent, Michael Cook, who has every reason to make a stink, if there was a stink to be made, told the Journal that he had no intention of filing a complaint.

There are those who would suggest that Chavez was more concerned with ducking a venue where he would have to stand for questions, than he was concerned over any supposed ethics violation.

photos Mark Bralley

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