I have two complaints filed against the leadership of the APS.
- They have misrepresented the existence of a whistle blower program that meets federal guidelines, and
- They have suppressed evidence of felony criminal misconduct in order to allow statutes of limitation to expire on the criminal misconduct of APS senior administrators.
Perhaps someday it will be decided that either or both of these complaints are unjustifiable. I doubt it, because they are clear on their face. If they are found unjustified, it will be because of a legal loophole, technicality, or some other legal weaselry.
The complaints are quite old. There has been more than enough time for someone to step onto the record and say, MacQuigg is simply a "disgruntled former employee" who is filing nuisance complaints; there is no justification for either complaint.
That will never happen because that public servant would be stepping onto the public record to tell a bald faced lie.
Nor will any good ol' boy be held honestly accountable for their misconduct, including felony criminal misconduct. It's just not the way they roll.
So the complaints just sit there, and sit there, and sit there,
because that is, just the way they roll.
This is fundamentally wrong.
If the government is truly "for the people", then it is government's obligation to protect the people from abusive government. A citizen complaining against the government, should not have to fight against the government in order to see due process for a legitimate complaint.
Public money should be paying for lawyers for the people,
and not for the legal weaselry that allows public servants to
betray the public trust without consequence.
The first legitimate use of power is,
to ensure that the power can not be abused
by anyone, ever;

not by a governor,
not by a mayor,
not by a school board president, and
not by the Superintendent of the APS,
Winston Brooks.
photo Mark Bralley
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