Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Winston Brooks froze like a deer in headlights

Winston Brooks was at the board meeting tonight.

So I looked him right in the eye, and asked him;

For the six and a half hours a day
that you hold students accountable
to the Pillars of Character Counts;
are you willing to be held accountable
to the same standard of conduct,
by a system over which you have no control,
and even against your will."
And he froze like a deer in headlights.

Weasel Robert Lucero tried to come to his rescue by arguing
that questions were not allowed at the public forum.

Well into the third millennium, deep in the heart of one of
the most respected democracies on the planet,
and in the public forum of a school board meeting;

and I am not allowed to ask a question?


If a board member choses not to answer a question,
because they lack the courage or the character,
or for some other reason that I cannot imagine;

it is their prerogative.

But to pretend that I have no right to ask it is;

bullshit; plain and simple.

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