Sunday, June 29, 2008

NM Representative Janice Arnold-Jones is not a "leader"

which makes her the best legislator that I have ever met.

My representative to the
NM State Legislature is
Sheryl Williams; and she has never asked for my opinion
on any issue; not as an APS administrator when I was
a teacher with 20 years of experience to bring to the table,
and not as my representative to state government.

Janice Arnold-Jones sits down a table every Saturday
morning and asks and answers questions. She leads a
polite, civil, and productive discussion of issues important
to all of us. link

Which is not to say that
Janice Arnold-Jones can not lead,
and will not lead, and lead well, on the day that that
becomes necessary.

I am dedicated to convincing her to lead a revolution
state government; a revolution which will culminate in
special session of the legislature whose sole purpose,
whose sole focus will be on reforming state government

in order to address the issues that enable the culture of
corruption and incompetence, and that prevent stakeholders
from participating meaningfully in decisions
that affect their interests.

I honestly don't know if she is a democrat or a republican;
something else that adds to her credit.
Partisan politics never reared its ugly head.
I suspect that she is a republican.

I also suspect that we would be far better off joining behind
someone like
Janice Arnold-Jones, than trying to morph our
neighborhood politician into something they are not.

Everyone one is welcome to join in her "office hours" at
cup_o_joe LINK

Saturday mornings from 9-10:30,
NOT this Saturday.

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