Thursday, June 26, 2008

Albuquerque Public Schools officials have announced that Therese Carroll has been selected as principal at Manzano High School.

Without, apparently, any meaningful participation by stakeholders in a decision that affects their interests.

By a process that stands in stark contrast to past practice; and
in contrast to the requirements placed on people of "character".

At least according to the standards of conduct that apply to
students in the APS but not the adults that enforce those
standards upon the students.

Do stakeholders have a right to participate meaningfully in a
decision that affects their interests?

I would argue yes; but I am willing to concede that the
specifics, at least, are debatable.

Is in alright to just unilaterally change the process with no
input at all from stakeholders; without even the courtesy of
informing them that past practice will be ignored in favor of
placing more power in the hands of Uptown administrators?

No. It is not.

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