Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peas in a pod; incompetence, corruption, and the lack of accountability

It is a given; where there issues of accountability
there are issues of corruption and incompetence.

A lack of accountability corrupts;
a complete lack of accountability corrupts absolutely.
socrates derived

Accountability is fatal to corruption and incompetence.

Where there is absolute accountability
there is no corruption and there is no incompetence.

A full scale forensic audit is accountability manifest.

A full scale forensic audit will eliminate
incompetence and corruption in the leadership of the APS
for ever.

It will also eliminate the corrupt and the incompetent;
which is why Paula Maes and the other good ol' boys
that run the APS are having none of it.

There is no reason to forestall an audit
except to protect the corrupt and the incompetent.

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