Saturday, June 21, 2008

APS Modrall surrenders records; sort of; part two

You will remember that I submitted a bona fide request,
under the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act,
to APS Custodian of Public Records, Rigo Chavez.

I asked for the opportunity to inspect and/or copy,
as few sheets of paper as possible;
that would represent a candid, forthright and honest
representation of the litigation that has been done
at great taxpayer expense,
by Paula Maes' family law firm, the Modrall,
and with respect to claims made by and against the APS.

I suspect that the record will show that Paula Maes' and
the Modrall Law Firm have made a great deal of money
litigating against the public interest; and in the interests of
excepting APS administrators and board members from
accountability to the law.

For example;

they once gave me thousands of tax dollars,
in part, in exchange for my promise that
I would not take incontrovertible evidence
of felony criminal misconduct by APS administrators,
to any agency of law enforcement.

APS Modrall used tax dollars to buy immunity for
APS Director of Risk Management, Richard Cangiolosi,
and Associate APS Superintendent Michael Vigil
from any investigation and possible criminal prosecution
as a result of my allegations of felony perjury,
and negotiating an illegal contract.

But back to our story.

APS Modrall has offered to surrender
"thousands of sheets of paper"
that I may inspect and/or copy under the watchful eye
of their minion, Rigo Chavez, at his convenience, and
in his office.

Further, they insist on making my copies for me
for fifty cents a page;
nearly ten times the going rate at Kinkos.

I objected to APS Modrall, and to
the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General.

In short; I argued that there was no good reason that
they could not just write the records onto a CD,
and hand it to me.

As an aside, I asked Rigo Chavez,
how many tax dollars were given to Modrall,
acting in the capacity of a heinously expense copy house,
to make the copies that I would view.

Rigo Chavez has responded. We are to believe;
  • There is no record in the form of electronic files.
  • The records only exist in the form of hard copy
    in a warehouse (on the Planet Crack).
    (OK, I made that part up). And,
  • Modrall has made no money on copies, because they are surrendering the "original documents" for my inspection.

Let's think about that one for a moment.

If there are no electronic files, that means one of two things;

there never were files stored electronically;
Modrall secretaries used endless amounts of white out and
typewriter ribbon as tax payers paid the lawyers of Modrall,
to write and rewrite endless motions and legal blatherings.


once had the records in some easily stored,
easily searched, and easily reproducible format;
and instead of writing it to a disk and tossing the disc into the box,
instead of storing it in any one of the innumerable storage facilities on the planet;

they chose to destroy them.

Now, that part I can believe.

Further, they would have us believe that the "originals"
are now in Rigo Chavez' hands.

What if I went postal on Rigo, and stole his little box?

Does anyone really believe that the APS Modrall would
put all of their records for two years,
and millions of dollars
worth of litigation,

in a place where I could simply run off with them?

and a pint of Häagen-Dazs® serves four.

It will be interesting to see if the Attorney General's Office
finds this any more credible than I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There just HAS to be a summary sheet that the Board uses to review lawyer expenses. If there was not when you started asking for how much they spent, and then when I started asking too...

If the Board does not have a one page sheet they can refer to in order to review lawyer expenses, why not?

J. Lopez