Saturday, June 07, 2008

There is not a single legitimate agenda in the entire APS

that does not move forward; dramatically

on the day that Winston Brooks declares that he and all of
his subordinates will be held accountable to meaningful
standards of conduct and competence

by an impartial system, powerful enough to hold them
accountable even against their will.

Which begs the question;

Why won't he?
Except in the interests of the corrupt and the incompetent.

Why won't the won't the Journal ask him;
Why won't he?
Except in the interests of the corrupt and the incompetent.

Perhaps if there were anyone beside me,
sending emails to the Journal's Education Reporter,
Zsombor Peter
asking him, respectfully and politely,
to ask for us, and then report back to us, on the answer
maybe he would.

Surely it would be worth at least a column inch
even on the bottom of the last page.

If you care enough, his email address is available at the
Albuquerque Journal's website Journal

as are the email addresses of all of the heavy hitters
at the Journal.

The same question could actually be asked by any
"investigative"reporter, like for instance, one from KRQE,

or even by Jim Villanucci at KKOB.

One will be the first to ask and report;
all of the others will be among the last.

The race is on.

... if only

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