Will you stand for another vote of confidence byTo date;
your rank and file?
Darren White's record on subordinate evaluations,
"votes of confidence" by the rank and file
is of overwhelming failure, 100% of the time.
Voters deserve to know if he has learned anything between
then and now.
If his own deputies would not vote for him, except to get rid of him;
why should anyone else vote for him?
Darren White will not answer the question; he can't.
If he answers no,
it is obvious that he knows what would happen,
and it won't be good.
If he answers yes,
a subordinate evaluation will begin, and,
the results won't be good.
So he is left with the only defense of an indefensible position;
he will hide it.
He will stonewall.
He will get away with it,
as long as the only person asking the question is a stove-in
old shop teacher writing on a blog, that on a good day,
gets a hundred hits.
No one at the Journal will ask him.
Maybe Martin Heinrich will;
the sooner, the better.
cc Martin Heinrich upon posting.
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